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Bidirectional DCDC converter,Liquid flow battery equalizer

Company: 山东腾飞电源有限公司
Location: China - Shandong,山东省济南市历下区奥体西路与新泺大街交汇处
Price: Negotiation
Contact: lin(Manager)
Contact Me:

 Mobile:+86-13245418187 Email:25li11s30hu1413ya125@b6o1s109-p7o69we710r.211co8m

Product features:

1.Three-level core technology, high efficiency, small ripple and high precision;

2.The first-level topology is bidirectionally transformed, with excellent performance and low failure rate;

3.Modular parallel technology combined with intelligent sleep technology to achieve high-efficiency energy storage conversion;

4.Perfect protection measures, and have the ability to actively monitor faults and protection;

5.Automatic disengagement of faulty modules reduces system maintenance time.

Bidirectional DCDC converter,Liquid flow battery equalizer

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