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Rack mount battery charger,modular battery charger,SCR battery charger,thyristor battery charger

Company: Greencisco Industrial Co.Ltd.
Location: China - Guangdong,Hengkeng
Price: Negotiation
Contact: Simon(Manager)
Contact Me:

 Mobile:+86-8613302609735 Email:13s52al118es13@107gr9e4e0n6c4i132sc47o.12c910om

Greencisco 48V/110V/220V/800V/900Vdc rack mount battery chargers, are made with high frequency IGBT rectifier, with LCD touch screen display and RS485 communication, with parallel current sharing functions and master/slave functions [ one charger is working, the other chargers are standby],can be remotely monitored or controlled for power substations, which meet customers' all technology requirements.

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