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Tested photovoltaic inverters, variable frequency power supplies, and power grid simulators

Company: 山东腾飞电源有限公司
Location: China - Shandong,山东省济南市历下区奥体西路与新泺大街交汇处
Price: Negotiation
Contact: lin(Manager)
Contact Me:

 Mobile:+86-13245418187 Email:1411li410sh78uy1a9@8b11o313s-63po7w58er130.c13o5m

The TFA2000 series power grid simulator is used in the research and development, quality verification, and production stages of new energy generation equipment. Its four quadrant operation, energy feedback, and voltage waveform editing functions comply with relevant regulations (UL 1741SA/IEEE 1547/IEC 62116) and testing specifications. Users can change relevant parameters according to testing requirements, such as voltage, frequency, phase change, three-phase imbalance, and flicker, to simulate the power grid state testing conditions required for the tested product. The power supply has the function of energy feedback to the grid, which can effectively save energy and reduce operating costs.

Tested photovoltaic inverters, variable frequency power supplies, and power grid simulators

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