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Variable frequency power supply, no partial discharge device, output pure sine wave

Company: 山东腾飞电源有限公司
Location: China - Shandong,山东省济南市历下区奥体西路与新泺大街交汇处
Price: Negotiation
Contact: lin(Manager)
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 Mobile:+86-13245418187 Email:5l011is113hu137ya714@b134os0-511po4w2e11r2.109co8m

The TFA60 series is a type of power supply that converts mains electricity into the required voltage and frequency through a power conversion circuit. Its main characteristics are providing pure and reliable sine wave power output, low harmonic distortion, high stability frequency and voltage stabilization rate. It can simulate the output characteristics of different voltages and frequencies around the world, and is suitable for applications such as factory production lines, quality verification, research and development.

Automated systems, laboratories, metrology rooms, etc. applied to various AC source effect testing can perform various precision tests, and can also be used as centralized power supply for factories and laboratories.

Variable frequency power supply, no partial discharge device, output pure sine wave

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