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About the characteristics of materials used in liquid-cooled charging cables

Description: As electric vehicles develop rapidly, many supporting facilities are also constantly improving. Electric vehicle charging has always been an unavoidable problem and challenge. Many electric vehicle users have experienced the troubles of slow charging and poor charging equipment experience. With the continuous advancement of technology, the use of charging equipment has gradually increased.

Usually when developing new charging products, it is necessary to ensure the application of materials and the test results of products. Some application characteristics of materials for charging products: high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, wear resistance, etc.

Among them, thermal conductivity: liquid-cooled charging cables need to be able to quickly transfer heat to the cooling medium, so the material needs to have good thermal conductivity and be able to efficiently conduct heat away.

The materials used in liquid-cooled charging cables need to have the characteristics of high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and wear resistance to ensure that they can safely and efficiently transmit current and heat.

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